
Submitted by , posted on 18 November 2002
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The pictures above is are two screenshot taken from my OpenGL SpaceBattle simulation I've started to work on 6-7 month ago.
In the demo you can already pilot 13 different crafts and fight against masses of AI-enemies.
During the development I've put the main emphasis on the graphics engine so the implemented missions are not that extensive yet.
The models were modeled & skinned (by me!) in 3DS max and exported into the ASCII .ase format. Then they're imported by my own 3D editor I developed for the game to apply lights, engines, particle emitters and weapon mounts to the ships and finally converts the models so they can be loaded by the game engine.
Here are some details:
a.. Dynamic Lighting
b.. Rudimentary AI
c.. Particle System
d.. Collision Detection
e.. Sound & Music
f.. Shop interface for weapon / craft selection
g.. Basic Flight Physics
h.. Virtual Camera
All in all the project features many basic game-elements but I'm not sure if it already has the right to be called a "game"... There's much work to do.
But it even in this state it is nice to look at and can be fun to play! So just try it!
You can download the demo here:
I'm always happy about feedback so feel free to mail me your thoughts about the demo!
Daniel Porzig