This section outlines the terms and conditions for visiting flipcode.com, or any of its associated sites (including flipcode.net, and flipcode.org)
Terms and Conditions

All of the original information and content on this web site is the property of FLIPCODE.COM and/or the original author(s),
and is protected by U.S. and international copyright and
trademark laws. By accessing and/or using this web site, you are agreeing to the following terms
and conditions. If you do not agree to any of these conditions, you are not granted permission or rights to access this web site:
The contents of this web site may not be reprinted, redistributed or copied in any way without explicit written consent from the web site's owner and administrator.
The information presented on this web site is presented "as is" without any warranties, or guarantees that it is without error.
Certain portions of this web site may house "user comments" (information / content submitted by users of the site), particularly through the community
forum features found throughout the site. We assume no responsibility or liability for these items. We offer no guarantee
that we can consistently moderate such features, nor are administrators neccesarily aware of the existence or content contained within all submissions.
These terms and conditions may be altered or appended by the owner of this web site at any time.
Disclaimer For File Downloads

The public files present on this server may be downloaded only at your own risk. By downloading anything from this server, you're agreeing that flipCode and/or affiliates can *not* be held responsible in any way for any problems or undesirable results that may occur due to the usage of any of these files. If you do not agree to that, then you are not permitted to download files from this server.
Thank you for understanding and cooperating.
Privacy Policy

FLIPCODE.COM is committed to protecting your privacy as a user of this web site. We do not sell information
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