
Submitted by , posted on 14 November 2002
Image Description, by

Text mode demo competition 5
Here we go again - the fifth TMDC. We have some advances from the last time,
including some real prizes and, for the first time, an actual prize-giving
ceremony, held at Alternative Party
2003. (Naturally if you win and can't be there, we'll mail you the
Get the invitation demo from the TMDC site at http://www.tAAt.fi/tmdc/ now with FULL
SOURCES included! (including polygon fillers etc). The site also contains
the rules of the contest and all information you can possibly need.
Including TMDC4 entries.
About the images -
Top left - "chaos zoomer" with text rendered on top. The text has a drop
Top right - 1008 additive triangles and a scroller.
Bottom left - new colorful ASCII art renderer
Bottom right - 80 triangles glenz ^_^
All rendered with 2x2 full screen antialiasing.
I could rant about how making textmode stuff is different and challenging
and all that, but quite frankly, it's refreshing and fun! If you've spent
the last years optimizing the heck out of your code day by day basis you'll
find it oddly refreshing to just forget everything and DO stuff. The CPU
power you get per pixel is downright ridiculous.
And now with all the source code available there's no real reason not to do
The deadline is 12.12.2002. Get coding - and spread the word!