
Submitted by , posted on 13 November 2002
Image Description, by

This is a screen shot of an interactive 3D car maintenance demo created by
ForgeFX for Macromedia. This project is developed with Maya 4, Director 8.5,
Flash 5 and delivered through the Shockwave plugin. Maya was used for all of
the 3D geometry, animation and texturing. Director was used for all the
interactive elements with the 3D models and Flash was used for the
interface. In addition to using the standard Maya toolset we took advantage
of the Maya RTA which allowed us add the artist to add interactive elements
without taking time away from the programmer.
The biggest hurdle in this project was creating a 3D model that showed
enough detail while not having so many polys to grind the Shockwave
performance to a halt. Macromedia was eager to demonstrate the new
anti-aliasing feature which was difficult since this causes a big
performance hit as well. To get around this we went with a dynamic
anti-aliasing approach, basically turning off anti-aliasing while the model
is moving or being interacted with and then turning it on when the model is
idle. The project took a programmer and an artist 2 months to complete.
The completed demo is available at www.forgefx.com/demos.htm - enjoy!