
Submitted by , posted on 05 November 2000
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This is my first attempt at Metaballs. The polygon generation code
is _evil_. Fast, but evil. The rendering logic in this version was supposed
to be faster, but isn't. That's the last time I take advice instead of just
winging it (:
This demo ran at ~30 FPS on an P500 / 256MB RAM / GeForce SDR / Win2K (sp1).
I've seen it go as high as 200 FPS.
OGL rendering.
Keyboard/mouse controls.
User controlled camera movement.
Dynamic LOD
Wireframe, textured rendering.
Special "data visualization" rendering.
Surface polygon generation using a version of Marching Cubes.
(I implemented this + some hashing and it still ran slower than the
naive brute force, no culling, switch-with-256-cases method.)
Future plans:
Multitexturing w/ alpha channeling for a completely unique surface texture.
"SurfCam" which moves as if walking on the surface of the metaball.
VSD and collision detection using octtrees.
Many-threaded version for multiprocessor machines?
Incorporation with my cloth, sky box/sky sphere and particle system demos to make
something _really_ nice.