Image Description, by Dominic Morris

Hi all,
Here's my lil' IOTD. It's my racing game, which I'm thinking of calling XLR8,
coz that's good and cheesy... ;-) I'm getting halfway decent framerates
(50fps@5000ppf) on Voodoo3, which I'm pretty pleased by. Unfortunately, my
geforce2 doesn't want to know about colorkeying, which is a shame...
I've spent quite a bit of time on how it actually feels to 'drive', so if you'd
like to download it and give it a go: (there are two versions,
one's one player [just OK the initial DirectPlay dialog], the other's a two
player TCP/IP version [works over a LAN, game only commences when both players
are connected])... oh yeah, be sure to read the readme.txt coz it's got all the
keys in it...