Submitted by Dominic Morris, posted on 04 November 2000

Image Description, by Dominic Morris

Hi all,
Here's my lil' IOTD. It's my racing game, which I'm thinking of calling XLR8, coz that's good and cheesy... ;-) I'm getting halfway decent framerates (50fps@5000ppf) on Voodoo3, which I'm pretty pleased by. Unfortunately, my geforce2 doesn't want to know about colorkeying, which is a shame...

I've spent quite a bit of time on how it actually feels to 'drive', so if you'd like to download it and give it a go: (there are two versions, one's one player [just OK the initial DirectPlay dialog], the other's a two player TCP/IP version [works over a LAN, game only commences when both players are connected])... oh yeah, be sure to read the readme.txt coz it's got all the keys in it...



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