
Submitted by , posted on 08 October 2000
Image Description, by

these are 4 screenshots from the skp3D-engine I've been working on over the last
year. It's the engine we use in our project NTT 2103, a 3d-rts-game. For some
further information you could have a look at http://www.skullpture.de . Some
features at the moment are :
Support for Q3A .bsp levels
ROAM for landscape-rendering
Skeletal animations
Advanced Particle system
Editors for outdoor-areas and buildings in form of self-made Q3-levels, the
skysystem, particle-systems, object-physics, etc.
.md2, .3ds, .mdl, .obj, .lwo, .ase, .asc, ... files can be loaded
I still need to put some work into the physics and some sweet things such as
occlusion culling and better physics, but it's hopefully going to be finished
until december. As to the screenshots, the one in the top left corner shows the
first unit in the game. The second one shows the landscape-engine again, but
this time without a precalculated color-map. The screenshot in the bottom left
corner shows - who might have known it ? - a level from Q3A. At this point, I
want to thank the others of the Titan-engine, their source-code helped me pretty
much fixing some problems I had. The last screenshot doesn't really have
anything to do with the engine, since it was an entry for an
1-week-game-coding-compo where no big engines where allowed to be used, so I had
to rewrite all the necessary functions, I just needed another screenshot and
didn't want to show something twice. It's an Asteroids clone in 3d, using an
octree for visibility determination and collisions, nothing really special.
CU, Joerg Brauer aka nufan^skp^pb