
Submitted by , posted on 07 October 2000
Image Description, by

Just an image of another terrain engine ;) Actually, it's the engine to an
online rpg type game I'm working on (no, not another MMORPG) so it will
actually be used. Right now it features:
Octree (well, the world is subdivided recursively into 8x8 regions anyway)
Octree based collision detection
Octree based view frustum culling
Particle Effects (the fire, for example)
Blended Lightmaps
There is an issue with the lightmaps right now (the black streaks down the
trees), and you may notice a couple of other little bugs. Nothing
extravagant really, just the basics of the engine that I need to start
working on the actual game part. If you're interested, there is a demo on
my site at www.binaryvenom.com.
The demo is a little older than these shots, but I will be updating it
soon(next week or so).
Right now I'm working on the network code and some gameplay, and trying to
figure out an acceptable way to do dynamic lighting and shadows without
killing the frame rate. I'm considering per-pixel lighting (and adding
bumpmaps in as well if that's the case), but am not sure what % of people
out there have boards that support this. Anyway, enjoy and if you have any
questions feel free to contact me.
Matt Rusch