
Submitted by , posted on 16 September 2000
Image Description, by

Inspired by a number of things (such as a recent discussion regarding the
Lights & Shadows demo contest and a recent IOTD with some one-bit
graphics), I decided to finally get around to do a couple of scenes with my
engine (http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~joshagam/Solace/) which simulate ultra-hard
Nothing fancy, nothing special code-wise here, I just felt like being kinda
artistic-ish for a change. Oh, and for the technical info: those shadows
are all done with stencil-based shadow volumes, and the screenshot was
running at 5fps (I had my tesselation turned up as high as possible for
those objects). No modifications were made to the engine to produce these
results, I simply removed all specular lighting and textures and set my
lightsource's color to 1000,1000,1000. It's a simple but effective trick I
hope to take advantage of in any actual game I end up making with this
Oh, and yeah, I know there's some pixel gaps in my shadow volumes. I've
been trying to fix that for quite some time now, thanks. ;) Actually, if
anyone has any insights, they'd be greatly appreciated. The situation
under which they're happening SHOULD be covered by the OpenGL invariance
rules, but I'm not positive about that.
Joshua Shagam