
Submitted by , posted on 15 September 2000
Image Description, by

Attached is a screenshot of procedural terrain/world I and a co-worker have
been working on. There's no clever terrain LOD schemes, just a brute force
method of throwing loads of triangles at the HW (the terrain is ~100,000
triangles, of which 25% are rendered in any given frame).
The cool thing is that everything is procedural. The terrain,
terrain/detail/mask textures, clouds, trees, tree impostors, flocking birds,
etc, are all procedural. It's a <200k .exe file that doesn't load any
We still have some work to do on it, but will be releasing the whole thing
with source as part of a webcast training on developing procedural content
for 3D applications. (Uh oh. Here comes the plug).
If anyone's interested in the webcast, here's the info:
Real-time Procedural 3D Graphics on the PC, or "How to Send the World
through a 56k Modem", with Kim Pallister & Dean Macri.
Learn how to use the horsepower of the processor to generate 3D content
algorithmicaly, saving valuable artist time & download bandwidth. Understand
procedural generation of terrain geometry, textures, trees, clouds and more.
We'll discuss and demonstrate performance implications and experiments we've
tried in DirectX*. This session should interest persons familiar with 3D
graphics programming and/or Microsoft DirectX.
When: September 21 9:30-11am Pacific Time
These webcasts will feature slides, live audio streaming, demos, and a chat
window where you can meet with peers and ask questions of the presenters.
To register, see http://developer.intel.com/software/idap/training/ under
"Spotlighted Courses".
A couple archived webcasts on scalable 3D apps & cloth animation are already
up there.
Kim Pallister
Staff Technical Marketing Engineer
Intel Corporation