Image Description, by

This image is from "Little Beasts", a 2 player puzzle game I've been
working on for the past 3 months, from initial concept to the current
alpha version. This single person project was developed using Visual
Studio .NET (C++), DirectX (graphics and audio), 3DS MAX(3d models)
and Photoshop(interface, texturing, etc). Particle/explosion effects,
efficient font engine, and smooth camera tracking are some of the
advanced features for now, and I'm also testing some DirectX shader
effects for shadow and cartoon rendering. My current focus is on
tweaking the gameplay and finding bugs before adding more features,
for I believe the FUN factor should receive the highest priority.
If you'd like to download the demo or find out more, please visit I need some guinea pigs, I mean, people
to test the demo for gamplay and compatibility issues, so check it out!