
Submitted by , posted on 19 August 2001
Image Description, by

The above picture shows a few models animated with Cal3D,
a free skeletal-based character animation
library I am developing in my spare-time. It will be used in the 3d clients
for WorldForge, but its design is very general
and flexible, so many other projects can benefit from it too.
Here is a list of the most interesting features:
Transformation of vertices and normals according to one or more weighted
bones (no hardcoded limit).
Powerful animation system that allows seamless blending and mixing between
different animation tracks.
Flexible material handling with unlimited materials and map-channels.
VIPM for level-of-detail that takes material borders into account.
Platform- and graphic API-independency. Written in "vanilla" C++ and STL.
Unified exporter framework to support different 3d modellers, currently
working with 3d Studio MAX / Character Studio.
Released under a free license, source-code and all specifications are open.
A short description of the stuff you can see in the screenshot:
An animaton cycle of a segmented skeleton with rigid bone-assignments on
the bottom.
A one-skin paladin with about 18 different materials and up to 5 influences
per vertex on the top-left.
Tux doing some sort of hip-hop in the middle.
A high-poly model (~50'000 faces) that was used to test the LOD algorithms
in the library on the top-right.
An animation system is hard to present with a screenshot, so I suggest you
take a closer look at The Cally Demo which shows many features in an
interactive way. It can be found on the project website with everything else, such as more
screenshots, source-code, file-formats, message-board etc.
That was my humble part, now I am eagerly awating your critical feedback ;)
Bruno Heidelberger