
Submitted by , posted on 19 August 2000
Image Description, by

Even with 9268 unique objects of which about 3500 are visible at this time,
only about 35 unique LOD mesh retesselations are being calculated. (Oh,
and even though they're all spheres, they're stored as a generic mesh, not
as a procedural generator.)
Obviously, this isn't a typical scenario. Good thing, too, since even on
my 525MHz Celeron with a 32MB G400 it's only getting 1.5fps. :) (I would
have sent an image using shadows to gloat about the fact that even the
shadow volumes would have only contributed a minimal increase to the number
of LOD retesselations, but stencils are currently broken on the Linux G400
driver and I gave up on waiting for this to render a single frame using
software Mesa after about 10 minutes...)
Oh, and one of the (many) things I'm working on right now is an actual mesh
editor for my funky mesh-representation scheme. Maybe I can eventually put
in screenshots where the models aren't all procedurally-generated. :)
This is all on Solace, my thesis project 3D engine. More screenshots are
available at http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~joshagam/Solace/