
Submitted by , posted on 20 August 2000
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Here is a screen-shot of our game engine. Its an
OpenGL engine based on an octree-bsp-terrain_LOD
technique. The sea cannot be seen in the
screenshot but is moving, and so its the sky.
Right now is running on a Pentium2 450 with a
TNT1 with 16Mb video ram and 128Mb main memory.
Its getting between 24.2 and 31.2 fps. The name
of the game is Omega2040. We expect to finish the
engine with exterior-interior on January. Having
beta testing in the same date. And release the
game itself around May.
We have a question on how to implement the same
engine on Voodoo cards. We plan to have a
different executable for those cards. But we
wonder if there is an equivalent opengl.lib for
those cards. (Thus eliminating unecesary waste of
time) And what difference does the initialization
of those cards on openGL have.
-John Mustance
-Richard Draxson.
Draxson Enterprises.