
Submitted by , posted on 26 July 2002
Image Description, by

We're creating a freeware software package that seamlessly integrates personal desktop functions, web browsing, and entertainment into an intuitive and interactive 3D GUI that runs as regular windowed application.
3DNA software selectively scans the user's hard drive for content and applications which it places into a dynamic real-time 3D environment that can operate as a fully functional desktop. Folders, shortcuts, media files, web pages and documents are automatically grouped and positioned in a fully themed and customizable workspace. Everything from the skies to the textures on the walls can be changed on the fly, from presets included with the application or from assets created by the user. In essence it's a fully customizable and skinable environment which can change it's appearance to suit the user's style.
We're using the Shockwave 3D engine as our platform along with a serious amount of additional C code for all of the interfacing to Windows. We're also utilizing the Havok physics engine which we're currently using for player collision detection and to power our collection of toys and games that are featured in the various environments.
Shown here is our Sci-Fi environment called the BaseStation. It's
oriented more towards gamers and tech lovers as you may notice :)
We've also got another completed environment called the Villa
(Mediterranean style, sunlit environment) which can be viewed at our
web site along with more images of the BaseStation ( http://www.3dna.net/products/gallery.htm ). There are many more environments in the pipeline too which we'll release as fast as we can make them!
We should be releasing a beta version perhaps as soon as next week.
Please come visit our newly completed web site to check out higher res images and other fun stuff :)
Matt Coombe