
Submitted by , posted on 25 July 2002
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The screenshot shows what started as a simple software rasterizer for
educational purposes only and later on evolved into what it has become
now: SoftD3D - a software implementation of the elementary features of
the Microsoft Direct3D (tm) 8 pipeline. The goal for creating this piece
of software was neither to compete with hardware accelerators on the PC
platform nor with Microsofts implementation (which would be plain silly
:) but to create core technology 3D development for devices which still
stuffer from a lack of hardware accelerated 3D graphics (ie Embedded
Devices a la PocketPC) without forcing our own developers and/or
licensees to use a high level engine or learn a new API.
For any questions feel free to email me at oliverw@snafu.de
- Oliver (aka eRAZOR)