
Submitted by , posted on 19 July 2002
Image Description, by

Overload is a fast paced, chaotic, multiplayer tank battle game with
a bunch
of weapons and items for your killing needs. The player controls a
mech/tank and can
drive left and right along the terrain, thrust into the air with its
jumpjets, aim up or down with
its cannon and fire various weapons.
The game is split into rounds which end when there is one (or none!)
player left
alive. Players receive cash based on how well they played in order to
buy additional
weapons and items.
To develop Overload, we used the excellent Clanlib library www.clanlib.org with the SphriteLib
The rest is usual: code in C++ and we used Visual C++
Awesome Graphics (2D - Photoshop)
Simple yet effective physics system
Particle system (if you want to call it that way :) )
Random Terrain generation (ok, that's not all that hard!)
About 15 different weapons (now that's better)
and very cool animations (did I mention Photoshop?)
Not featured (not yet at least...):
Network play (sorry, we had no time for that...)
AI (same, but work on this should start pretty soon)
Basically, you have to play with someone else. This was actually the
intend, as
our original idea was to create the same atmosphere as the wonderful
Earth and Worms did. Now we think we need to add AI or Network and
hopefully it
will happen some time soon.
We hope you fellow flipcoders enjoy it anyway.
More images:
Download the beta version directly:
A bientot,
Jean Simonet