
Submitted by , posted on 20 July 2002
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My pride and joy. After 7 days I've got it looking
this good and rendering at 40fps on a GeForce2 at
800x600x32. This coming from not knowing much about
large-scale rendering (I had previously only done lots
of small-scale stuff). Soon, it'll be going about
2-3.5x with optimizations, and have unlimited terrain
size. Stop by my website
for .plan updates. I plan to be posting articles I
write about the design of the engine, general 3d
optimization, and more, for programmers out there who
want to achieve similar results in as short a time.
After learning what I did from this, by now I could
have had it optimized to the point I'm going to over
the next 4 days of work. I hope to impart some of that
knoweldge on you guys too.
-Iron Helix