
Submitted by , posted on 14 July 2003
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Here are a couple of new screenshots of the Prototype engine (formerly Power
Render X). The engine is built in C++ and uses STL, PowerRender 5, and ODE
and has been in development for a year and a half. The engine started off
as an experiment with per pixel
lighting and has been through several changes such as radiosity and shadow
maps before using the full dynamic lighting and stencil
shadow methods used now.
Some of the engine features are:
Unified lighting: per pixel bump mapping and shadows on every surface
Glow effects:- using 2 passes of separable gaussian blur
Depth of focus: blur between 2 render targets based on z distance
Soft stencil shadows: gaussian blur per light
Projected lights: project a texture on any object instead of point lights,
unlimited projected textures in a scene
Scripting with LUA and a custom script language for AI
PS 1.1 and PS 2.0 shader paths
BSP based level geometry and integration with Quark editor
Exporters for models and character animation in 3D Studio MAX and Maya
You can find more screenshots and movies at http://www.3dengine.ca/prx
Chris Egerter