
Submitted by , posted on 05 June 2005
Image Description, by

A recent post on comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing tickled my curiosity, the
challenge was to implement a raytracer to render a sphere flake within 100 lines
- cough - of C++.
This IOTD is what i've come up to after a couple of revisions.
generates a sphere flake and the corresponding hierarchy in place.
iterative, that is only the scene generation phase is recursive.
simple shading with 1 light and shadows (monochrome PPM output).
full scene 2x2 anti-aliasing (rotated grid).
decently fast.
On 2ghz k8, for a 1024x1024 picture...
# time ./sphereflake100 8 >pix.ppm
5380840 spheres,claiming 369.473 MB.
real 0m7.642s
user 0m7.329s
sys 0m0.295s
More information, source & whatnot here: http://ompf.org/ray/sphereflake/.
-- tbp.