
Submitted by , posted on 24 May 2003
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This iotd is about DreamSpace.
It's a thesis project Kris and I worked on this year. We wrote a basic 3D engine, editor and a map compiler using the DirectX 8.1 API. This was our first real experience with writing 3D software and we enjoyed it !!!!!.
Some specifications:
- The Editor:
a.. Basic modelling with primitives as blocks, spikes...
b.. NURBS modelling: Surfaces, Cilinders, Cones, Balls... . (These models are fully editable)
c.. Textures are loaded from a zip file using the zlib library ( we've borrowed the textures from urban terror and QIII )
d.. Particle systems: we use a small script language to create the particle effects.
e.. Light sources: support for point, directional, ambient and spot lights...
f.. Auto texture alignment...
- The Engine:
a.. Based on the QIII level structure.
b.. The compiler loads an editor map to create the BSP structure
and to do the lightning calculations (ray-tracing) and to convert it
into a map compatible with the engine.
You can find our website at: http://users.pandora.be/dreamspace