
Submitted by , posted on 25 May 2003
Image Description, by

This is a particle fountain generated with a tool i'm working on for the OpenGL projects "Eternal Eclipse" and "Isle Assault".
At this moment the particle system is a stand-alone application, but
once finished I'll implement all its functionalities in the engines of
the mentioned projects.
The main feature of this application, is that particle-emitter and particle-behaviours are completely scriptable using a script file.
This permits the programmer to build a lot of particle effect simply
realizing a small script that determine how particles interact their
selves, and how the emitter creates them.
The main parameters that the programmer can set with the scripter are:
Gravity of the environment
Viscosity of the environment
Direction and speed of the particles
Average life time of the particles
Range of the life time
Coefficient of the gravitiy interaction between the particles
Colour and size of the particles
Particles generation amount
Ciclic/monotone emission
Wind simulation
Currently i uploaded on my web site some screen shoots and a demo version of the engine with an hard-coded particle model (so no scripting features).
The URL of my web site is http://www.ninjacross.it and the
project (with the demo) is described here
For any question or discussion please e-mail to: ninjacross@yahoo.it