
Submitted by , posted on 08 May 2000
Image Description, by

A compilation of screen shots from a car simulator/game i am working on, the
engine uses OpenGL and currently only runs in win32, the model cars you see are
taken from a version of Quake Rally, i would like to get in contact with the
guys that made these models so if you happen to see this drop me a line.
Supports multitexturing, vertex lighting, bump mapping, collision detection,
640x480x16 -> 1280x1024x32 and various other features, currently i am working on
a full day night cycle and lightmaps. There is no web page except a link to my
own system currently at this will be where i
stick screen shots up and maybe eventually some kind of web site. Right now i
dont have the time to do a complete web page.
If there is some coders there that are interested in helping me also drop me a
Soon i will be going into a beta phase, so I will be looking for some ppl to
help me test it on various other configs. I run p3-500e with GeForce 256 DDR and
it runs just great.
Have a great day/night/party