
Submitted by , posted on 12 May 2000
Image Description, by

this is a screenshot of my speech driven CD-player. It is not a very beautiful CD-player,
but it is something else than a 3D-engine-shot ;-). It's implemented in OpenGL, and is
still in Beta testing phase. Future features will be mp3/wav/mod support, a speech driven
file-browser, and a nicer CD-Deck. If you like to see more about this app. or you like to
download it, see: http://www.liacs.nl/~dpalomo/voiced3d
It's current version is beta 1.5, and it supports voicecommands to play/stop/eject/insert/next/previous/train/quit the player.
The speech recognition is made possible by MS Speech API, which has a voicecommands wrapper.
Daniel Palomo van Es