
Submitted by , posted on 04 May 2002
Image Description, by

This is a screenshot of our first released in-house game, FlipTrip. It's
a simple puzzle game which involves rotating tiles to make same-color
matches. There are three different gameplay modes which are completely
different from one another and gobs of settings to further customize
things. There's an internet-based high-score table integrated into the
game so everyone can see what your high-score is.
...Now the dork stuff that y'all really want to hear about...
Developed by two programmers in 3 weeks.
Uses SDL for graphics, sound, music and windowing.
We used .tga files for all the images which compress quite well making
the download size smallish.
Alpha-blending is used on all things not animating currently to make
them purdy.
~9,000 lines of code
"SoftwareKey" was used for the copy-protection. (Yes, you can probably
crack it...please don't. :-)
Plays all types of mod-music files. (just drop them into the
/Sounds/Music folder to add your own.
Nullsoft's installer was used to pack it up
You can grab a free demo of the game at our publisher's website. Give it a download and
let me know what you think.
If you're curious about us, our website is
http://www.demiurgestudios.com. And before you ask, no I can't give out
any screenshots of our Unreal-Engine powered game just yet. :-)