
Submitted by , posted on 03 May 2002
Image Description, by

First, sorry if my english isn't very good.
The images above shows my carrer final proyect. It's an engine called Crisol (CrisolEngine) and is for make Computer Role Play Games (CRPGs) of Fallout style.
Some of the features of CrisolEngine are:
2D Engine (sprites) but using Direct3D (DirectX 7) to make basic lighting and alpha blending effects.
Isometric perspective.
Possibility of adjust the rules of the engine for the designer wants in his universe of game.
The engine support a "hour system" for the game universe (different hour, different light)
Use a scripting language, CrisolScript, for make the game logic (based in game events)
Use a sentencial language, CrisolBuilder, to define the content of a game (level design, entities, ...) and interface desing.
Managing one criature as player.
Combat system in turn mode.
Conversation system.
Presentation system based in slides concept. Posibility of make "cut -scenes".
Use of packed files.
WAV and MIDI support.
I hope that CrisolEngine will be finished this summer (September). I will released all the source code of the engine. I have a beta demo in spanish and english version (see the "English Info" section on the web to get the english version).
Some graphics are of the free isometric tileset that ZeroSum Software published long time ago, I put that in the credits option of the beta, the rest of the graphics are made for the engine by Manuel Moreno "Dracke" and Marcelo Galán "Sbe-Caos").
You can visit the web at: http://usuarios.lycos.es/crisolengine/
Fernando Rodríguez