
Submitted by , posted on 26 April 2003
Image Description, by

This is an ingame screenshot of my game Rubix Cubix, of which is about 75%
completed. It was written in Darkbasic. You can currently download the demo
here: www.darksoft.net/rubixcubix.htm. This is my first real gaming project,
of which I“ve learned a lot of techniques / algorithms / methods.
Do you love puzzle games? Do you enjoy beating your high score over and over
again? So don“t we - thats why we created this excessively addictive puzzle
game. Don“t be fooled by the screenshots into thinking this as a clone,
there is only one similarity - addiction to playing it!
Please feel free to email me with any comments/suggestions/questions/ideas.
I am open to suggestions and would love to hear from fellow game developers.
I am new to the indi scene, so any pointers would be great. I am currently
working on completing the game, and working on marketting the demo until its
completed. Any suggestions as to publishers would be appreciated, currently
I“m looking into utilizing Dexterity.
I am utilizing MSCW technique for organizing the projects features. I put
all bugs into the “Must“ section as well as anything that will make my game
worth playing. Most other ideas are tossed into the “Should“ section. If
anyone has any questions about this organization method or would like to use
the databasing program I“ve completed send me an email.
Back to the image... This image is one of many on:
www.darksoft.net/rubixcubix.htm. The game is currently about 1.5megs. The
game utilizes the mouse to rotate around the central “rubix cubix“. The
crosshair in the center of the screen selects individual blocks, right
clicking “wipes“ out touching colors of 3 or more. Horizontal rotation is
not in the demo (to limit play somewhat). Left clicking on blocks put the
“rubix cubix“ into a rotating mode. You can rotate the layers similar to a
rubik“s cube. (of which is the only similarity between the two).
Tim Hackett