
Submitted by , posted on 25 April 2003
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Again, landscape stuff!
These are some screenshots I took from a new program i am developing for learning purposes, named ShadowCaster.
Its function is simply to create colormaps and lightmaps for a 256x256 terrain.
Lightmaps are created using a raycasting technique: rays are shot from
a definable light point to the borders of the heightmap.
The first four images show the integrated 3D viewer (uses OpenGL).
The bottom-left shot shows a lightmap created with the "embossed" technique, while the bottom-right image shows a lightmap created using a cos-like function (i.e. the shadow intensity decreases with a cos function).
The program is made in VB (for shorter dev time...)
These are the features of ShadowCaster:
Five shadow generation techniques
Two texture generation techniques
Four blending techniques (used to blend the shadowmap with the colormap)
You can set the position of the light emitter in any point of the map
Customizable shadow decay(length) and darkness
OpenGL 3D Viewer (needs a LOT of optimizations!!)
Currently limited to 256x256 maps :(
If you are interested in ShadowCaster, please come visit my web page at
Loris Bognannni (glJakaL)