
Submitted by , posted on 26 April 2001
Image Description, by

This is a screenshot from the little intro "Durantro", which was presented
at the Durango 2 demoparty in Spain. The intro is available in the
downloads section of my web
page, together with the Visual C++ 6 source code & project. Note that
you will have to download MiniFMOD from the Firelight Multimedia web site, in order to
recompile it. I think the source code is fairly well organised, even if not
too feature-rich, and could serve as a starting point for people beginning
to work with D3D 8.
The intro requires a Direct3D 8 - compatible 3D accelerator. Note that it
also has to be the primary card, so users of Voodoo1 and 2 cards can't
watch it. What can I say, we were in a hurry. :-) In fact, we only tested
it on NVidia cards and the laptop's S3 whatever-it-is card.