
Submitted by , posted on 27 April 2001
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Here are 4 screenshots grabbed from a video (avi) I made for my final year
project when I was at university. The project's subject area was Augmented
Reality, which is the composition of computer generated graphics with real
images at interactive frame rates. The project involved moving a computer
generated object (cube) around a real scene (lego arch on a piece of board)
in real time. The cube was moved around the scene using a mouse and
collision detection was implemented so the virtual object would 'collide'
with the real object. The screenshots show inter-object shadowing between
the scene and the cube, and occlusion of the cube by the scene.
The original idea was to have a virtual ball rolling around the scene, but
the hardware I had to work with (combined with my inefficient code) was not
up to the task.