
Submitted by , posted on 22 April 2002
Image Description, by

This is a screenshot of the Flares Generator I wrote for the WorldMap 3D
project. Nothing really special, just an utility to make flares creation
The generator is scripted, and the final image is a result of glows and rays
layers blending. Each layer has its own parameters, like color ranges and
alpha transparency. It is possible to add any number of layers to compose
the final flare. Preview and Production resolutions are configurable, so it
can render the preview flares in realtime while they are being created, and
then render in high resolution for the final image.
Although the screenshot shows only a few variations, in my testings I was
able to create very different compositions, so I think it is actually a
valuable tool, at least for me. =) It is quite easy to expand with new layer
types, although for WorldMap just glows and rays were sufficient.
I need to finish some details here and there, before releasing it for
downloading. As it is every time a great experience to post an IOTD at
Flipcode, here it is.
Vander Nunes