
Submitted by , posted on 21 April 2002
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These are 2 screenshots of a 3D engine I've been working on in some spare
hours since a few weeks. It is programmed in C++ and uses DirectX 8.1.
It's not very fast yet, but there is still a lot of optimization to be done
so it will probably get faster in the future. I'm still searching for some
fast ways of extracting silhouettes.
Per Pixel Attenuation
DOT3 Bumpmapping
Stencil Shadow Volumes
Scripted Shaders
Map Converter for Q3Radiant maps
Motion Blur
Simple Particle System
Quake 2 Models
The lighting/shadows can be dynamic, but static lights are handled in a
different way so they are faster. In the future I hope to add more features
like curved surfaces, volumetric fog, spotlights and most important:
visibility culling (probably a portal based approach). Also, a GeForce3
implementation could make it much faster because of the vertex/pixel shaders
and extra texture units.
More screenshots and a demo can be found at my webpage:
http://rugged.def-act.com or a direct link to the demo:
(6.14 MB).
The demo requires a GeForce or highter and DirectX 8.1. There are still
some problems with z-buffer precision so you might see some cracks, and
there is a small bug in the bumpmapping wich makes it look wrong in some
cases, but I think I will be able to resolve this pretty soon.
Finally, thanks to the guys in #flipcode on EnterTheGame for helping me.
Dennis Meffert