
Submitted by , posted on 10 March 2004
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We just released our new Physics SDK. You can grab it
there: http://www.novodex.com/downloads/NovodeX_SDK_Personal_2.02.exe
The screenshot comes from one of the included demos. This is a stack of... 400 perfectly stable boxes !
We focused on speed for this release, and the results are pretty cool.
The new SDK is a blend of my previous physics engine (if you remember my last IOTD), and the Novodex one. We picked up the best parts of both, optimized the hell out of it, and tadaaa! Voila, fastest physics ever! (ok, maybe not, but I love the new solver :)
I invite you to download the personal edition above and check out all those cute demos.
Stay tuned for more demos and more features !
- Pierre