
Submitted by , posted on 05 March 2002
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Wow yet another terrain engine!
Time to check off some features:
quadtree frustum culling
LOD using a sort of geomipmapping
detail texture and color texture based on height,slope etc.
model support
basic physics and some buggy rigid body dynamics
skybox w/ animated clouds
weird full 3d explosions
This is for mac only, and I'm not releasing the demo just because most of you couldnt
run it and its part of a game I and my team are developing...
I felt like recording a short movie which is 10 mb because the mpeg compression screwed it
up so its just .mov, its at 320*240 with 256 colors at 15 fps
terrible I know but I dont
know of any other way to capture movies at ok fps without spending lots of time coding a
video record class. Anyways if youre interested get it from here.
The water was hard because the mac opengl drivers do not support cube-mapping as far as
I know, so I had to improvise a bit to get it to reflect the skybox correctly. It does not
reflect the landscape because since this is part of a game I dont think the huge fps hit
would be worth the minor visual improvement. It is a couple hundred polygons to allow texture
distortion and ripples.
The skybox is a normal skybox with another plane with a scrolling cloud texture.
The explosions are made up of several spheres with distorted vertices and texture coordinates,
which slowly fade away. Of course theyre not at their final state yet, I just started working
on them yesterday.
If youre wondering about fps I usually get around 30 or 40 or so at 1600*1200 resolution on
my geforce 3, it would probably be a lot higher if nvidia ever released decent mac drivers