
Submitted by , posted on 07 March 2002
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This is my first time posting on Flipcode but I wanted to get some
feedback on my current project. It's a pure portal engine written in VC++,
uses OpenGL for rendering and FMOD for sound support. My ultimate vision is
for this to be a GAME engine and not just a PORTAL ENGINE, meaning it will
be a simple yet effective way to build a complete and customized game. Since
I'm just one man and I'm doing this in my spare time away from my college
studies, I plan on keeping things as simple as possible without sacrificing
quality. Here is a current features list.
I call it the QuickPort engine
Portal rendering with an OOP algorithm
3d collision detection
Fully Dynamic Lightmapping (no static lighting)
Movable Sectors (elevators and such)
Particle system
3d object support (loading of my own ".3d" format)
Texture blending over portals to simulate glass
"Sound event handler" - what I call my system of deciding which sound to
play and when
FMOD sound support
Here are some things that are in progress or will be in the future...
Sloped walls / floors / ceilings (right now the engine assumes walls
perpendicular to the floor and ceiling for simplicity of level design)
md2 file loading & animation (there are so many great md2 models out
there, and I'm not an artist, how could I NOT use this resource?)
Dynamic shadows WITHOUT using stencil buffer (this is very close to being
Link to a quadtree terrain engine I developed for indoor / outdoor scenes
Weapons / Items and other gameplay related features
Network support - This I will need help with, but what good is a game if
you can't play with yer friends?
Optimization (change drawing algorithms to use triangle strips instead of
single polygons, among other things)
Level Editor (I started this today, shouldn't take too long to get
something rough but useful ready to use)
Well I have more visions for this thing but I don't want to bore you. My
plans for the engine other than providing it to others for game building, is
to build a game myself. A 3d rpg type game similar to Ultima Underworld
(probably the best game I've ever played) or something along those lines.
I'm not looking for another Quake / Unreal / Half Life clone, that's been
done and this engine is FAR from a Quake engine, so I have to use what I
think fits, but it's still capable of a shoot'm up game I suppose.
Alright well, let me know your thoughts (I know these screens aren't much
to go by). If I get enough feedback I'll definitely be posting a demo in the
future when it's ready. Hey, if you're interested in getting in on this
project I'm looking for 1 or 2 people, especially good artists and network
programmers. Email me at y2kiah@hotmail.com cause I'm very interested in
getting this project going with a small team. Probably just for fun but
maybe we can put something out worthy of selling?! Long shot I know but
given the right circumstances, who knows. Take care everyone.