
Submitted by , posted on 04 March 2002
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This is a project I have been working on for a while now in my spare time. It is an old-school,
isometric RTS game. All artwork and programming have been done by myself so far. I know the artwork
isn't state of the art, but I am proud of it for now. I hope to improve it as the project
goes along. Anyway, here is the feature list:
Programmed in C++, using OpenGL for graphics, DirectX for everything else.
Complete GUI system
A map editor is in a similar stage of development - uses MFC.
Relatively complex pathfinding implemented. Works well, units handle static/dynamic obstacles intelligently.
Replay function added
That is about all I can think of right now. I am going to be working on networking
for the next little while, but luckily I have prepared for that from the beginning
(replay and a peer-peer network model have a lot in common). If you would like to
follow the project you can visit my site at http://www.freestandingentertainment.com .
Maybe I will post again when the game goes beta.
Absolution (Don Brien)