
Submitted by , posted on 04 March 2003
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This 2 Screens are from a nearly completed techdemo of our landscape/plants-population viewer. The viewer is a part of a project called "Lenne3D". Within the project, we will develope an interactive modeler and viewer for modeling and rendering complex virtual landscapes with high-detailed plants-populations in realtime. We use our own dynamic LOD-algorithm to handle the very complex geometry. Also we use standard methods like billboards, but the user can see every leaf or branch of every plant if the distance between the camera and the plant is small enough. So we use "real" geometry-models.
The latest features are:
4x fullscreen antialiasing
pbuffer shadowmapping
realistic lightmodell for outdoor environments
using Cg for the vertexshader an pixelshader
using translucence effects for leaves
The techdemo will be released at the end of march. Geforce3, Geforce4 and GeforceFX will be supported.
Further informations to the whole project will be found at: www.lenne3d.de
Greetings, Carsten Colditz