
Submitted by , posted on 20 February 2001
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This is a screenshot of my rigid body simulator. I wrote this application to get
into physics-programming and to understand the basic kinematic/dynamic
behaviours. Fortunately I was able to work on this project as a school-project
(so I got some more time and a pretty good mark, hehe :-). I only implemented 2d
simulation because this makes things much easier and I hadn't too much time to
code it. I also wrote a paper about the simulation basics (math) and some
implementation notes, but as I'm from switzerland, it's written in german. At
the current state, the application has the following features:
needs Windows / OpenGL
quite "user-friendly" GUI
load/save scenes
linear/angular motion (euler integration)
force-fields (linear, like gravity, and concentric, to simulate solar-systems)
springs (with damping)
collision detection (for convex shapes only)
You can download the binaries, the source and the paper (in german) from
http://www.oxi.ch/rigidbodysim. I also wrote a small "user manual" to help you
playing around with this simulator. Please go and download the application
because the beauty of this software is motion, and that's lost in a screenshot
Hope you enjoy it . . .