
Submitted by , posted on 21 February 2001
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This is a screenshot of my school project, an opengl 3D game that looks like
Super Mario 64 from Nintendo.
Technically, I use a BSP only for collision detection with the world and a
sphere/sphere collision between the moving object. As
there are not many faces (around 1500 by scene) I don't use any clipping
algorithm, I just send all the faces and that's pretty
fast even on my tnt. The object are simple mesh (3ds) or animated mesh (own
format) using interpolation (like MD2). I use directx
for sounds, musics, and input.
As you can see I've managed to rip the original textures and even the meshes
from the Rom :) so the first level is exactly the
same as in the original game, and the mario mesh also (excepted the face which
is my teacher's one jsut for fun :)
Only one bad thing, the physics sucks and the collision detection are still not
working quite well but I'll try to improve that.
You can download the game at http://www.sk64.fr.st/final.zip and if you can read
french I also explain everything about the
developpement.on the website.