
Submitted by , posted on 29 January 2002
Image Description, by

After one year of development, it is finaly complete! Tropical Storm 1.01 has
been released.
It's quite simple. Marxist rebels, working along with drugrunning Facist
insurgents, and terrorists from the Greenland Liberation Army have established
several bases on small islands in the Pacific Ocean. As a commando with a fairly
dramatic-sounding name, it's your job to blow them to bits.
Your mission will be complicated by the large number of identical looking Commie
soldiers prowling around the island. Moreover, using ancient Marxist
reincarnation technology, they will reappear alive and well at a bunker, several
seconds after being killed. So, you have to move fast to destroy all the
buildings you can with your absurdly powerful grenades. You can't blow up the
bunkers, so don't even try.
Mission Objectives:
The objective for each mission is the same-destroy all the brick buildings. The
concrete buildings are indestructable respawn bunkers.
6 single player missions.
Random map mode
3 Distinct Weapons ( Bizon, USP, Grenades )
Mp3 Playability
Dynamic Terrain
Particle System
Skeletal Animation
Menu System
3D Sound
Justin Eslinger
Team Leader/Programmer
Digital Awe