
Submitted by , posted on 23 January 2002
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Im really pleased; Ive finally got my contrail particle system working
perfectly! =)
This system was giving me lots of grief; basically, its a particle-system model
of a rocket trail, or contrail. I was having difficulty making the particle
system move with the ship and render convincingly at all times - stuff life
turning 360 degrees on the spot used to cause the system to show itself for what
it really is, i.e. a bunch of dots, instead of a smooth flame effect
the images show a ship with two contrail emitters; they spin round with the
ship you can draw double-helix trails in the sky with them! =) Im going to do
something similar for the weapons system (this ship would be very cool with the
weapon spinning round with four weapon emitters very far apart).
Theres probably ~2000 pointspirtes in these piccies and that hurts the
framerate pretty bad of course, but what better way to use my new GF3?! Next up
on my never ending list of things to do is:
Enemy ships
BIG weapons
Prettier water
Reflections + Shadows
it never ends.