
Submitted by , posted on 30 December 2004
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Hi all,
It feels good to be submiting one of these, makes me feel like a real
game developer.
My creation is yet another copy of good old asteroids. I worked on it
specifically for about a month after getting my engine into a state
which didn't crash (or deallocate memory for that matter) often. Wrote
it in c++ and opengl with a couple of other libraries. I'd like to
thank www.limefly.net for all the free artwork, almost everything you
see in those shots was taken from there. I had a friend helping me but
I think the only thing that got into the game was his music, and you
can't see that here. But it was great moral support too, I'm sure I
would've gone crazy. I was hiding this all from my brother the whole
time I was working on it you see, so I could give it to him for
christmas. That was tricky and at some points hairy I can tell ya, but
extremely rewarding.
But seing as this is flipcode I better get technical. About the most
spectacular piece of graphical work is the dot3 bump mapping on the
rocks. Fairly typical but effective technique, put to shame by
terrible uv mapping. Next come the particle effects. I wrote most of
this bit before I could render models, and as a result it's the
probably the nicest piece of work in the engine. Less time pressure
you see. I read the properties of the particles from my own custom
file and use a vertex array of quads for rendering them. I kept the
file as simple and powerful as I could and it payed of later when I
could add a new particle effect in 10min. Right... about the only
other interesting thing is that I kept the wrap around universe
despite it being 3d. You can't tell in the game (at least you weren't
meant to be able to) but if an asteroid gets too far away it appears
on the other side of you. I used black fog to blend them into the
background but I realise real blending would have been better.
So, not bad for a 15 year old huh?