
Submitted by , posted on 28 December 2000
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this is a screen shoot of my upcoming texture generator called Syntextic Studio.
Its based on an own scripting language, very easy to use, which is compiled and
then executed to create the textures. My idea is to release this as freeware,
and put some kind of texture database where you can submit your own textures
created with the program.
For now the program supports a lot of functions, like noises, stars, twirls,
etc.but a lot more functions can be added as plugins, I will release some dll
specifications for this issue too.
Besides the textures the program can be very usefull to create highmaps for
landscapes, just mixing some noise textures you can get very good highmaps.
Ok, thats all for now. I will try to release as soon as posible but I have to
add a couple of features first, the problem is that I dont have visual studio
right now, I will try to get it today or tomorrow and finish the first version
of the program.
Manuel Astudillo.