
Submitted by , posted on 21 December 2000
Image Description, by

I saw the WinCE Lemmings shot, its cool, but we mustn't leave Palm behind :)
Attached is a screen made of 6 shots from different apps we've written for the
palm platform
2D Sierpinski
3D Sierpinski
CFXWeb Palm-Intro
Color Mandelbrot generator
Checkers (the only commercial one)
Palm uses a fixed 160x160 resolution with LCDs' varying from 1bpp b/w, 4bpp
greyscale, 8bpp paletted mode and recently 16bpp hi-color (Visor-Prism). It uses
a Motorola 68k processor at speed ranging from 16mhz to 33mhz which is nice
except for the byte-ordering.
Ohad Eder Pressman