
Submitted by , posted on 20 December 2000
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Here are som screenshots from my TI-82 demo IMATION released during
Dreamhack00. It has som nice parts, faked grayscale (LCD screen's has
low refresh rate ;) ), tunnels and other stuff that you normaly find in
standard PC demos. For all you pepople out there that have you own TI-82
calculator you can download the demo from www.algonet.se/~skede/flum.82p. You will need
CRash to run it (if you don't already have it you can find it somewhere
on www.ticalc.org). There is also an MPG version of the demo for all you
poor fellows that don't have an as kicking TI-82 calculator, it's
lokated on ftp://ftp.dreamhack.org/pub/dh00/compos/Oldskool/Imation.mpg. If anyone is intrested in coding TI-82 and Z80 processors i
have wrote some artikels about it on www.planetzeus.net (it's pretty
good if you know swedish because the artikels seamse to be written in
that wierd language ;) ).
/Robin Håkanson