
Submitted by , posted on 13 December 2000
Image Description, by

I am working on a 3D terrain engine at the moment (working name eXodus ;)
), and here are some pictures showing the features of the engine itself as
well as the tools I wrote for the engine so far.
The first tool, I called it TGenTex takes two simple textures (shown on
the pic in the top-right corner) and a grayscale image containing heightmap
information for the terrain and computes an unique world texture for the
terrain (bottom-left corner).
The second tool, a simple radiosity calculator (uhm, I called it TRad,
what else? ;) ), takes the same heightmap file used before with TGenTex and a
position vector of a point light source (well, only one, don't need more for
my engine at the moment, one light source simulates for example the sun
shining over the landscape) and outputs a lightmap showed in the middle-top area
of the above picture. The last tool finally, which I called creatively
TMelt (hmm... ;) ) mixes both the lightmap and texture files generated by the
other two proggies and computes the final World Texture (tadaaaaa) - you can
see it in the top-left corner.
The last part of the pic in the bottom-right shows the engine in action
(again, tadaaaaaaa ;) ).
Maybe some words on the engine itself. It is still under development but
there are already some nice features implemented (like multiple animated sky
layers =) ). What's important, I want it to become a full game engine one
day, supporting physics, multiplayer support and all the other stuff. Well,
yes... I think that's all for now :). Oh yeah, almost forgot, for anybody
interested: the engine uses OpenGL and is written completely in C and inline
Assembler (didn't use the last very often 'till now, however).