
Submitted by , posted on 11 December 2000
Image Description, by

These are screenshots of a version of Lemmings for
Windows CE that I made in the last three weeks. As
you can see, almost everything is in: The floaters,
climbers, bridgers, bashers and even the Armageddon
button. I used the art from a demo version of Lemmings
for Windows, I hope that is OK with Psygnosis. :)
Actually, I tried to contact them, but their site is
'under construction'. Anyway, if you own a WinCE
device, let me know; I'll send you the executable and
sources if you wish. This game is a demonstration for
my WinCE game/demo development libraray, called
'EasyCE', and will be spread with full source code once
this library is finised. The library itself is a bit like OpenPTC
(www.gaffer.org/ptc), and it adds up to 32 greyscale
capability to 2bit WinCE LCD displays. This feature is
being used for Lemmings, as you can see.
Most important thing: This game runs currently on a very limited range of
WinCE devices. It has been tested on the Philips Nino and the Casio E10. It
will probably work on all greyscale (2bit) palmsize PC's. NOT on color
devices. I hope to support all devices in the final version of the library
(and game).
These 'shots' are raw dumps of the internal 8bit framebuffer. The
actual image quality on the LCD display is not this good; there is a slight
banding effect and the maximum amount of greyscales used in this game is 16.
Third: In one of the shots, a 'climber' is within the wall. This is a 'known
bug'. :)
OK, back to the 3D stuff. :)