
Submitted by , posted on 27 November 2001
Image Description, by

Here is a picture showing my latest 3d landscape engine, supporting realtime
LOD, realtime radiosity and ultra neat hyper antialising. It runs at... ohh...
sorry, must have typed wrong there ;)
This is some pictures from a game I am making. It is called Blastup 2 (some of
you people might remember a game called Blastup in the lame game contest about
two years ago here at flipcode). I have been working on it about half a year in
my spare time, or in parts of my spare time you might say.
It is a simple shoot-the-other-guy-with-a-grenade-in-the-head-like-game (like
gorillas, except that you don't type angle and power, you just touch the
arrowkeys a bit). The whole game is working on the pixel level, and is about
98,3% software rendered (with a 0,02 margin of error). It works on most svga
cards (i.e. it doesn't require a FeGorce 58xmg with 2567 MB of memory etc).
Sooo, how about the performance? It is not anything blazing fast, with brand new
technology written in any % machine code. It is written in C/C++, and runs at
about 55 fps on my p3 500. Don't know how it runs on newer computers, but I
tried it on a old p2 300, and it ran at about 30-50 fps (depending on the
weather fx and water).
It is written using tinyptc for graphic output and fmod for sound output. Things
like timer and keyboard are wrapped up in classes. This will probably make the
game quite easy to port, but I am not planning to do that, so I don't really
know... (it have been developed on windows 98, but it probably works on 2000 and
the like as well)
Maybee some of you are pondering why I have written such a game. It has been
done many times before, and there isn't anything in particular new with this
one. Well, all I can say is that it have been very fun writing it, and that's
enough for me. (It is also a very addictive game, believe me ;)
Warning! Some of those popular feature lists coming up...
Currently features:
640x480x32 fullscreen/windowed mode
2d landscape generator, supporting custom themes
Really nice per pixel alpha blended sprites
Somewhat not realistic realtime animated water
Weather fx
Wind affecting shots/waves/snow/rain etc
Computer opponents
Particles that are updated 500 times per second (don't ask me why...)
Satisfactory improvised physics
Simple timer slowdown for slowmotion
+ more small things not worth mention
Suggested todo features:
Network play
Action replay
Screensaver mode (cpu players battleing each other)
Theme/level editor
Recording games
The game and the sourcecode for the current version (beta 1.1) can be downloaded
Thank you for reading (and please excuse possible bad english ;)
/ Jolle (Ola Frid)