
Submitted by , posted on 26 November 2002
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Dawn scared:
This is a demonstration using a special virtual reality rendering technique.
It take about two week to build.
The graphics resources come from an older Dos demonstration.
This application work in internet plugin or standard executable.
We've used Antiryad Gx, our 3d engine with our scripting langage.
The script source code of this application is also available on our site.
The virtual environment is drawn before all, then come the 3d animated
objects and other 3d particles.
We've done a little event editor for detecting the mouse click zones.
A movie is integrated to the program, using a custom video compression,
controled by the script.
The executable version work both on Win32 and Linux operating systems.
You can find more information about Antiryad 3d engine at
http:/www.arkhamdev.fr.st or
download and run the demonstration here
Pyro Arkham