
Submitted by , posted on 24 November 2002
Image Description, by

These two screenshots are from Slickworm - a little game project I've been
working on. Currently it's just a technical demo with vehicle physics and
terrain deformation.
The vehicle can be driven over the landscape or you can use the rocket
launcher to scar and take chunks out of the terrain. The vehicle and rocket
launcher are programmer art ;-)
ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) is used for the vehicle physics.
The terrain system uses dynamic Level-of-Detail with geomipmapping, detail
texturing and a single 2048x2048 unique terrain texture. The LOD technique
is a quadtree structure stored in a table rather than using pointers. When
the terrain is deformed the quadtree for that block is recalculated and a
static vertex buffer is regenerated for each of the 4 geomipmap levels.
The explosions are made of particle systems of axis-aligned alpha-blended
billboards with perlin noise textures.
There are more screenshots and a download available at
http://slickworm.sourceforge.net The demo will run on Linux using OpenGL
and Windows using Direct3D 8 and source code is distributed under the terms
of the GNU GPL.
My main reason for posting these screenshots is because I would like a job
in the games industry.
Micheál O'Brien.